Once you walk in the jewelry store, you feel like you’re a princess and nothing can ever take that away from you. Then you see a glitter in everything you see in it. You search for the perfect one then you see the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen your whole life. You take out the card then you feel there are sparks flying as the ding in the cashier sounds while the receipt is printing. The saleslady wrapped the jewelry then gave it to you, a smile you put on your face as you happily receive it. But all the happiness there’s always an opposite of everything, but does the sparks affect your eyes. You don’t even know that all the time you’ve actually been so blind. Remember not all that glitters is valuable, yes it’s amazing, it completes your look, and you can be envy in your friends. You don’t even know how much you’ve spent on such tiny accessory. I mean have you seen the movie “Confessions of a Shopaholic”? Have you learned a lesson there? Let’s do a remark; it says before you hurriedly buy something especially those that have a very high price remember to question yourself, do you need it? If you do, don’t have a second thought on buying it is okay to buy things that you need but if you don’t, don’t feel bad if you really want it you can always come back for it, it’s not like it’s the last piece on earth come back if you need it.

So always remember all that is glittery or shiny is not always important. Don’t be a stupid shopper with lots of money to burn who just grabs thing and puts it in a counter. Not unless if you’re a stupid rich shopper it is okay if you do that but remember money is important and maybe the time will come that there will be no more of it, don’t waste it because time will come that you will need it and when you need it where will you get it? The jewelry store? It won’t give you your money directly, I don’t really know how that works but I know that I won’t be easy. So save before it will be too late. I am not writing this just to discourage you I mean I am sometimes a stupid shopper but enough about me I am writing this just to persuade that doing the right thing today than wait for the tomorrow to end.


                                                           Written by: Airagurl Rizon :P J J J